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Availability of affordable, quick, frequent and reliable child-friendly public transport


Primary connections (factors that are directly connected)

Click on the arrow to see that factor's primary and secondary connections.


Air quality

School policies and procedures

CYP capacity to get from A-B


Household income

Secondary connections (factors connected via one other factor)

Click on the arrow to see that factor's primary and secondary connections.


Affordability of housing

Availability of affordable healthy food retailers

Citizen engagement in governance

Distance to local ammenities (e.g. schools, shops, services and libraries)

Employment opportunities

Housing security, quality & living conditions

Parental employment status

Rates of crime and disorder

Safe and appealing places to play

Area-level deprivation

Availability of convenience calorie-dense food

Clean, quiet, safe residential environment

Economic security of household

Family expectations and aspirations

Medication use

Phone and internet network infrastructure

Safe active travel routes

Safe and appealing places to socialise

Arts, cultural and religious activities and venues

Car ownership

Cooking skills/ food knowledge


Family health status (e.g. mental, physical, addiction)

Mental health and wellbeing

Physical activity

Safe and appealing places for physical activity

Welfare advice

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